Escola da Família
Curso de Casais
24 Por isso, deixa o homem pai e mãe e se une à sua mulher, tornando-se os dois uma só carne
Gen 2:24
O curso Aliança, com duração de 10 semanas, proporciona aos casais ensino bíblico e oportunidade de ministração a fim de conhecerem o plano essencial de Deus par o relacionamento conjugal, isto é "as veredas antigas par o casamento". Neste curso, você também receberá instrução sobre comunicação relacional e compreenderá o valor inestimável da transparência no casamente como o fator chave para a intimidade.
As videoaulas são ministradas pelo Pr. Graig Hill, o casal Bob e Audrey Meisner e o casal Dave e Maxime Broom. Ao termino do curso, cada casal participante poderá reafirmar sua aliança, fortalecendo a relação e protegendo-a contra a banalizada e discriminada prática do divórcio.
=>Você deseja viver o plano perfeito de Deus para seu casamento?
=>Você anseia ter mais intimidade e unidade como casal?
=>Você deseja proteger seu casamento contra o divórcio?
Este curso dinâmico e prático foi desenvolvido para casais e noivos a caminho de seu "Sim". Você conhecerá o plano do coração de Deus para o seu casamento e o poder de uma aliança conjugal.
Casais e noivos que se casarão pela primeira vez, que estejam a procura de instrução sobre o compromisso de casamento e o propósito de Deus para a vida a dois.
O que é uma Aliança de Casamento?
Comunicação no Casamento
Transparência a Chave para a intimidade
Como Entender e Resolver Conflitos
Praticando o Perdão
Restaurando o Valor da Aliança na Sociedade e no Casamento.
24 Therefore shall a man leave father and mother and be united to his wife, the two becoming one flesh
Gen 2:24 Alliance The course, lasting 10 weeks, offers couples an opportunity to biblical teaching and ministry in order to know the plan of God alongside the essential marital relationship, this is the "old paths alongside the wedding." In this course you will also receive instruction on relational communication and understand the inestimable value of transparency in casamente as the key to intimacy.
The video classes are taught by Pastor Craig Hill, the couple Bob and Audrey Meisner and the couple Maxime and Dave Broom. At the end of the course, each participant can couple to reaffirm their alliance, strengthening the relationship and protect it from the commonplace practice of divorce and broken.
WHY DO THE COURSE? => You want to live the perfect plan for your wedding? => Do you yearn to have more intimacy and oneness as a couple? => You want to protect your marriage against divorce?
This dynamic and practical course is designed for couples and newlyweds on their way to their "Yes." You know the heart of God's plan for your wedding and the power of a marriage covenant.
FOR WHOM INTENDED! Couples and newlyweds who marry for the first time they are looking for instruction on the commitment of marriage and God's purpose for life together.
TOPICS COVERED What is a Covenant Marriage? Communication in Marriage Transparency the Key to Intimacy How to Understand and Resolve Conflicts Practicing Forgiveness Restoring the Value Alliance Society and Marriage.
Gen 2:24 Alliance The course, lasting 10 weeks, offers couples an opportunity to biblical teaching and ministry in order to know the plan of God alongside the essential marital relationship, this is the "old paths alongside the wedding." In this course you will also receive instruction on relational communication and understand the inestimable value of transparency in casamente as the key to intimacy.
The video classes are taught by Pastor Craig Hill, the couple Bob and Audrey Meisner and the couple Maxime and Dave Broom. At the end of the course, each participant can couple to reaffirm their alliance, strengthening the relationship and protect it from the commonplace practice of divorce and broken.
WHY DO THE COURSE? => You want to live the perfect plan for your wedding? => Do you yearn to have more intimacy and oneness as a couple? => You want to protect your marriage against divorce?
This dynamic and practical course is designed for couples and newlyweds on their way to their "Yes." You know the heart of God's plan for your wedding and the power of a marriage covenant.
FOR WHOM INTENDED! Couples and newlyweds who marry for the first time they are looking for instruction on the commitment of marriage and God's purpose for life together.
TOPICS COVERED What is a Covenant Marriage? Communication in Marriage Transparency the Key to Intimacy How to Understand and Resolve Conflicts Practicing Forgiveness Restoring the Value Alliance Society and Marriage.
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