Palavras do Pastor Cláudio Mattos

Pr Claudio Mattos

 Amados irmãos, 
Neste espaço teremos mensagens transmitidas pelo nosso Pastor durante os cultos para a edificação e o fortalecimento do seu caráter no Senhor.
Dear Brothers,
In this space we will have messages delivered by our Pastor during the worship services for building and strengthening of his character in the Lord.

Uma igreja alinhada na Palavra do Senhor

Fundamentos de uma Nova Vida
mensagem proferida no culto dominical 46 semana
A ceia do Senhor
para a semana de 13 a 18 nov 2011
Week 46Foundations for a New LifeBaptist Church PampulhaNovember 13, 2011
What is faith.If my people which are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.2 Chronicles 7:14
In the Letter to the Hebrews (10:38), the word of God says, 'The just shall live by faith: but if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him. But what is faith? Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the assurance of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).Faith is the food that nourishes and strengthens the spirit. She approaches the man of God brings peace and fellowship with the Lord Jesus. It accepts the doctrine revealed by God, and trust in the saving work of Christ.TESTIMONY OF FAITH: I want to bring you a message of encouragement to greater interaction and growth in faith is evident that I am not only referring to the popular faith to know the existence of God and His beloved Son Jesus Christ, that He created for their fullness. Everyone knows it and does not produce any fruit.Because faith that the world knows, is remembered only in time of despair, is perceived only by the cries for help in time of distress. On this occasion, reverence to God, but nothing more can be done, because it is a faith professed by virtue of expression.Faith is a false, empty and without consistency, there is no divine inspiration in its content. And the word says that God was not the sinners. (John 9:31)But I want to bring to loved ones, a living faith, born of the heart of God who can heal, release and still have the assurance of salvation of eternal life. That faith that burns the heart when we speak of the infinite love of the Lord Jesus, for that Faith is a heavenly gift, produced by the intimate work of the Holy Spirit of God in the human soul.I have a faith like the Centurion of Capernaum, when that beseeched Jesus for his servant, and Christ proposed to go to his house and he refused saying, Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but says only one word , and my servant shall be healed.That centurion was not part of the lineage of the Jewish people, but such was their faith, that even Jesus was surprised and amazed said, Verily I say unto you that even in Israel found so great faith (Matthew 8:8).
Faith puts us on the cross with Jesus,crucified with Him;puts us in the grave,buried with him;still puts us in heaven,the right hand of God, risen with Christ!
Centurion Roman army officer, commander of a troop of one hundred men, was endowed with a unique faith, and the eyes of the Spirit, it was sure to be set against the Son of God. He did not feel worthy of receiving Jesus under his roof, but trusted that, by his word the wonders happen in the life of his servant.Faith exemplified by the servant Stephen, who saw the heavens opened and the right hand of the Father Salvador being stoned to death remained faithful. And in giving his spirit to God, did not ask for revenge for their attackers, but asked the Father to forgive them.Faith as the Apostle Paul, who, even knowing the afflictions that awaited him in Jerusalem was not afraid and did not even flinch, but said: What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? Because I am ready not only to be arrested, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus. (Acts 21:13)We could not fail to uplift the living faith here and consistent in the persons of other apostles and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, who lived under persecution, beatings, imprisonment, hunger, cold, plague, violent deaths.Conducted the largest evangelical work on the face of the earth, all supported by faith in Christ and the joy that was set them. Underwent servitude, always doing the will of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Left within the reach of our eyes, the greatest example and witness of faith, dedication and courage to reflect on the moments of sorrow and anguish. To learn to trust in Christ and know that however difficult the situations are not falter, but we are strong in faith and have the confidence and assurance that we are not alone.For the Lord is with us wherever we are if we do his will.FAITH AS A GRAIN OF MUSTARD: In the Gospel of Matthew (17:20), Jesus urges his disciples because of the small faith saying, If ye have faith as a mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Move from here to there, and pass away, and nothing shall be impossible.The Lord Jesus, in figurative language, proves the power of confidence we need to achieve. Compare a mustard seed the smallest seed, shines the grandeur of this work done that by faith we will be able to accomplish.It is evident that the implementation of the mountains is an allegorical statement, and if they did, we would be changing the course of nature. But the Lord encourages us to face the mountain of problems that come before us in everyday life, and conveys the confidence that, being coated with Fe, there is no insurmountable barrier to the servant of God, because in Christ we are more than conquerors.
"Therefore, according to Jesus, we must be born" of water and the Spirit. ""Born of the Spirit"means entering a new life through a change of mind and heart.Because it involves a completely new kind of experience,and not just a refinement of the old lifestyle,the act of being part of the kingdom of God is called the new birth.Baptism by water is an outward symbol that depicts the change of heart. "
ON THE WORD OF CHRIST: In the Gospel of Luke (5:1-5), Jesus, after using Peter's boat to announce the crowd that followed him, and he knew that the fishermen had not caught anything all night, Peter had again let down his nets into the sea. And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all night and taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.Notice that Peter was already washing their nets, being expert fisherman, knew that there was no reason for persistence, because his journey had ended an exhausting and frustrating night's work, and catching nothing. But when the Lord Jesus sent back the network launch, did not hesitate, and the eyes of faith, saw the power in Christ to do the impossible.Unconditionally believed in the word of the Lord, and gave proof of that saying, Lord, I've worked all night and catching nothing, but at thy word I will let down the net. And did this network and filled so that he could not pull it off alone.This is the measure of faith that we too must reach. Believe the word of the Lord unconditionally, without hesitation and without any doubt. We must believe, to be sure and trust that God is with us and his word will not return to empty itself. Before you do anything that pleases him, according to his will.EXHORTATIONS OF FAITH ON THE LORD JESUS: In Luke (8.43-48), says: And a woman who had an issue of blood twelve years, and spent all his possessions to the doctors and neither could be healed. Coming out from behind Jesus and touched the hem of his garment and the flow of blood dried up immediately.And Jesus said, Who touched me? And all denying, Peter and they that were with him: Master the multitude thronging thee, and oppresses you, and you say who's touched you?Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me, because I know that virtue is gone out of me. Then, seeing the woman who could not hide himself, came trembling and fell down before him, said unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately. And he said unto him, Be of good cheer, daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole: go in peace.Consider how the crowd oppressed and afflicted Jesus without receiving a gift.Now imagine the faith of this sister. In the crowd, she could only touch the garment of Christ and was healed immediately. Jesus felt virtue leave him and asked who had touched him in faith, and Peter said to him: Master the multitude thronging thee, and oppresses you, and you say who's touched you?
Join the campaign season.The work of God on the cross.On the cross, is health, on the cross, life,On the cross, help against enemies,On the cross, there is a supernatural infusion of smoothness,On the cross is the strength of soul,On the cross, is the joy of the SpiritOn the cross, is the sum of all virtue,On the cross, is the perfection of holiness.Only the cross,salvation for the soul andhope of eternal life.
So beloved (a) is not just another you (a) the number of those who oppressed and afflicted Jesus without receiving anything, but be coated (a) of faith.Do not seek prosperity in Christ only for material things, but truly believe that their faith will not touch the clothes, but in the heart of Jesus. And Christ is going to prosper prospered as much as that woman, which in addition to receiving the miracle of healing, was also honored with the peace of the Lord Jesus and the offer of eternal life.You can estimate the immeasurable power of faith? In a single gesture, and wonders how many works took place in the life of that lady, was a true revolution.So, Christ wants to do in your life a complete work with the faith.There are countless testimonies of deliverances, healings and miracles, by Faith in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. It is important to note that when He healed and freed the oppressed, made clear the connection of healing, according to FaithOr rather, the Lord Jesus conditioned only receive blessings according to our measure of faith God has said we will not be heard by much speaking, because our Father knows our needs even before pleading his mercies. (Matthew 6:7)
A complete and overview of the high price that Jesus paid for us. In the last seven weeks of the year, you will find truths that have enabled thousands of people to enjoy a freer life, full and powerful.Join us!

Week 46November 10, 2011Couples of faith IBP
Join the campaign season.The work of God on the cross.On the cross, is health, on the cross, life on the cross, help against enemies,
Amos 3.3 How can two walk together except they be agreed? The lack of agreement is an open door for the devil. When Paul wrote to the Ephesians and talked about not giving place to the devil, made within a context that is to sins that happen in relationships: "Be ye angry and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath; neither give place to the devil. "(Ephesians 4.26-27).James wrote on the same principle. He said: "For where jealousy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every kind of bad things." (James 3:16).. I mentioned earlier that the agreement is an open door to God's action. Matthew 18:19 "I also tell you that if two of you agree on earth on any subject about which you ask, it will be done by my Father in heaven." But when we got to the point of dissipating it in our relationship, we are committing not only the quality of satisfaction in the emotional sphere, but also the spiritual realm of our home. It is not easy to adjust satisfactorily in the conjugal relationship.The differences are many: the formation of each, in personality, temperament, and add to it the differences between men and women. However, when we learn to have as a common denominator of the character and teachings of Christ, then we can fit through giving, forgiving, etc. again.Even a couple who seemed perfectly set in its period of courtship discover the need for further adjustments as the years go by marriage. It is not an easy task, but not impossible! If he were not in our power, God would be unfair to charge it from us ... but the fact is something that is not only possible but is a powerful key in the Christian life!The couple should decide together. There is an order of government and authority established by God in the home. The husband is called the head (Ephesians 5:22-24), and we understand that as such is entitled to the final word.However, this does not mean that man is always right and that should not listen to his wife. Found in the Old Testament a time when the Lord says to Abraham, his servant: "Listen Sarah, your wife, all that tells you" (Genesis 21:12). In the New Testament we see Pontius Pilate despised the counsel of his wife and giving wrong with it (Matthew 27:19).We must also consider that being a leader does not mean being authoritarian.When the apostle Peter wrote to the elders (comprising the local government of the Church) said in his letter that they should not be "rulers of the people" (1 Peter 5.3).
On the cross, there is a supernatural infusion of smoothness,On the cross is the strength of soul,On the cross, is the joy of the Spirit
Men need to remember that responsibility in the home, will have to answer to God in a greater extent than women. But it is not necessary that the man carry the weight of this responsibility alone.The woman is called a "helper" in the Bible, is because man needs your help. And woman's help is not limited to domestic activities. [Genesis 2:18].The Bible speaks to this figure, there must be a relationship of companionship. I believe that as a helper, she should help make decisions. This is a process that requires adjustment.Time to discuss any decisions or even how to be and behave in each spouse, we see how difficult it is to listen to each other. But we must look to the biblical teaching on this: "He who answers before listening is folly and shame" (Proverbs 18:13).James warns us that: "You know these things, my beloved brethren. Every man, therefore, be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath "(James 1:19).The truth is that we are generally ready to speak and slow to anger against each other, but slow to listen to what the other has to say. And this must be changed in us! For there is agreement, we must learn to listen.Dealing with disagreements.Disagreements occur, even among the most dedicated Christians, but should be treated immediately. We read that someone can be angry and not sin, because it is a spontaneous emotional reaction.But what makes each one had the feeling that can become sin. Paul advised the brethren at Ephesus that they do not let the sun go down upon your wrath (Ephesians 4.26-27). In other words, there should be hit, forgiveness, and that no pending stay behind.We must learn to deal with disagreements in the home. Preserve the unity does not mean never falling out, but knowing the maintenance due to the relationship when this occurs.Time does not erase the offense. There must be reconciliation. Jesus taught this: "If, therefore, to bring thy gift to the altar, there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave before the altar and offer your gift, it will first be reconciled to thy brother, and then returned, and offer thy gift "(Matthew 5:23-24). Some feel that after a disagreement just leave "there." But the Bible teaches us the principle of reconciliation quite formal. There should be an apology, forgiveness.
Should talk about what happened (which hurt the heart of each one was hurt and why). And do not forget that we must strive to live without fighting, and not only reconciled when they occur (Ephesians 4:31).I further believe that special attention should be given to the manner of speaking.Perhaps this is one of the areas that are more sensitive to disagreements that arise in the relationship, since the "communication" in the home is not just a speech, but also the way we understand each other!The talks should not be exalted or tone row. And when one spouse loses an emotional outburst, it is important to note that the Bible does not teach us to "play the same game." What we read in Scripture is the opposite: "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." (Proverbs 15:1.)"Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer each one." (Colossians 4.6).Husbands should take extra care, because by nature are more emotional than rational and his words tend to be harder and coarser. For this reason the Bible warns:"Husbands, love your wives, and not treat them with harshness." (Colosensses 3.19.; "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that nothing will hinder your prayers. "1 Peter 3.7While it is true and applicable here the adage that "prevention is better than cure", we must recognize that often fail allowing misunderstandings that could easily be avoided. In this case, we must learn to fix and deal with these situations.But we must not forget that even with forgiveness and reconciliation after the error, when he repeats will generate much wear and disrepute, and this requires a larger scale restoration later.The intrigues at home happy to steal other achievements, such as Solomon wrote, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit: "Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than the fatted ox and hatred therewith." (Proverbs 15:17). "Better is a dry morsel, and quietness of the house sick of meat, and strife." (Proverbs 17:1.) "Better to dwell in the corner of the housetop than with a brawling woman in the same house." (Proverbs 21.9)There are couples who have achieved everything they wanted financially, but can not live well together. They, better than anyone else, can say how true are these biblical statements. No use having other achievements and leave the marital relationship is lost.
On the cross, is the sum of all virtue,On the cross, is the perfection of holiness.Only the cross, no salvation for the soul and hope of eternal life .. "
[Read later] ... I would like to begin my argument by asking the question:What is the definition that the dictionary for words presented uncle or aunt?Masculine noun: The brother of the father or mother to their children these (Michaelis). My uncles and aunts who were visiting our home from time to time, they brought their cousins ​​and my grandparents enjoyed a lot when everyone gathered at their home on holidays and birthdays.As soon as my daughters went to school, they, rather than meet with the teachers, came to meet his aunts. Over time, these words came to designate other types of people. The concept has expanded and soon there was "Aunt canteen," "Uncle of the ordinance," "Uncle's estate" ...Now I'm scared when I hear parents talk about the academic life of their children, 3, 4 years old: early will stay with "Aunt nursery." When they return to the "Uncle of the van," arrive at lunchtime to meet with "the aunt who takes care of the house." If there are more grown up in the afternoon go to the "Kumon's aunt" and "uncle of the English." If boys for the "Uncle's music class" or "Uncle swimming." If girls to "Aunt ballet." Do not forget about the "uncles school volleyball." This lesson is worth Olympic gold!It runs the risk of any investment in the education of children getting lost. So what is done? Hires to "Aunt tutoring" to ensure that all duties will be made and reviewed.Thank God we are Christians and then comes Sunday and the children will go to worship in the morning and participate in a powerful and compelling Bible study with "aunts Sunday school." In the evening we returned to the service. Because children are special, we have prepared a very special service for them by "uncles and aunts of children's ministry."Since no one is iron, the holidays arrive and children need to have fun. They are sent to a camp or a fancy hotel and are specialized in the care of "uncles and aunts entertainers." Other parents send their children to an annual mission trip, accompanied by "uncles and aunts of this mission."The conclusion I draw is inevitable: It's father and uncle too little! Aunt and mother is too little!That I call outsourcing of parenthood!The role of parents is mostly restricted to the payment of the accounts of aunts and uncles. With rare exceptions ... And we can not say how it all began ...The word of God leaves no doubt that many of the things given to "uncles and aunts" should be under the parental responsibility and being executed by these.I'll probably have to continue this subject in other articles. I look forward to receive e-mails with criticisms and suggestions to enrich and deepen this theme. I count on help from parents and also the "uncles and aunts" who are reading this article first.To the next.Posted by Barros [University Family]Claudio and Maria Jose
Fundamentos de uma Nova Vida
mensagem proferida no culto dominical 45 semana
A ceia do Senhor
para a semana de 05 a 12 nov 2011
Week 45Foundations of a New LifeBaptist Church PampulhaNovember 6, 2011
The Lord's Supper:Communion with God and our brothers.Almost all the churches that claim to follow Christ observe the Lord's Supper. The bread and the fruit of the vine are common elements in the assemblies of worship of various religious groups. But there are differences in understanding of this celebration. This week, we'll examine what the Bible teaches about the Lord's Supper to learn how we participate in it today.The First Supper: The Example of Jesus.Some texts record the details of the first "Lord's Supper." (Matthew 26:26-29, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26). We learn how Jesus and the apostles celebrated the supper comparing these reports.The purpose: "Do this in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19). The Lord's Supper is our opportunity to remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, which he offers us the hope of eternal life: "For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes "(1 Corinthians 11:26).The Lord's Supper is not intended as a memorial of the birth, life and resurrection of Christ. It's a special moment in which Christians reflect on the suffering Saviour to be reminded of the high price he paid for our sins. We need to keep this central theme of the gospel (1 Corinthians 2:1-2) in our minds.Symbols: Jesus used two symbols to represent his body and blood. Of course, he literally gave his body (which was still whole) nor their blood (which was still running through your veins). He gave the disciples unleavened bread to represent his body and the fruit of the vine (grape juice) to represent the blood that was to be shed on the cross. He left no doubt about the relationship of this sacrifice to our salvation: "For this is my blood, the blood of the new covenant, poured out for many for the remission of sins" (Matthew 26:28).
The first covenant was sealed with the blood of bullsThe new and eternal covenant was sealed with the blood of the Son of God.
The order: When comparing these accounts, we can also see the order in which the supper was observed. Jesus first prayed to thank God for all the bread and then shared.He prayed again to thank the Lord for the cup, and all drank from it. Thus, he called special attention to each element of the meal.The Lord's Supper in the Early Church. The book of Acts and the letters written to churches help us learn more about the Lord's Supper. The students gathered on the first day of the week to attend the supper (Acts 20:7). This supper was understood as an act of communion with the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:14-22). It was taken when all the congregation gathered, as an act of brotherhood among the brethren (1 Corinthians 11:17-20). Every Christian was obliged to examine to make sure that the meal was participating in a dignified way (1 Corinthians 11:27-29).Observations on the Lord's Supper. Although the Bible's teaching on the Lord's Supper is not complicated, many differences of understanding came after New Testament times.The only way to know that we are following the Lord is to study the instructions and imitate the examples found in the New Testament. We are never free to go beyond what the Lord revealed in the Bible (see Colossians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 4:6 and 2 John 9). Consider what the Bible says in response to some questions about the Lord's Supper.Because unleavened bread? Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper during the Jewish day of unleavened bread, an annual festival in which only unleavened bread was allowed among the Jews (see Luke 22:15, Exodus 12:18-21). We can appreciate more clearly the meaning of unleavened bread when we consider the symbolic meaning of leaven in the Bible.It was not allowed to ferment in the sacrifices offered to God in the Old Testament (Leviticus 2:11). The idea of ​​impurity or sin is clearly associated with yeast in several texts. For example, Jesus used to speak symbolically leaven of false doctrine (Matthew 16:11-12). Paul used yeast to represent false doctrine and moral corruption (Galatians 5:7-9,13,16 1 Corinthians 5:6-9). It is entirely appropriate, then, that the sacrifice of the perfect, sinless Son of God himself is represented by unleavened bread: "Throw out the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ , our Passover, was sacrificed. Therefore, we celebrate the feast not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth "(1 Corinthians 5:7-8) .
Koinonia,Sharing, caring about and Pray Together: All who believe they thought and felt the same way.Nobody said that the only things he had were his, but all shared with each other all they had.Acts 4:32 The Greek word translated koinos was the idea of ​​being common to all. The Greek word koinonia can sometimes mean to contribute or share, share. Indeed,the early Christian church seems to have taken good care of physical needs of members with a system of sharing provision.Hope shed.

When we observe the Lord's Supper? Jesus showed his disciples how to participate in this memorial, but did not specify when. Learn when the early Christians observed the Lord's Supper by the example of the disciples in Troas: "The first day of the week, when we gathered together to break bread..." (Acts 20:7). When we follow this example and partake of the Lord's Supper every first Sunday of each month, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins.When we meditate on the suffering Saviour every celebration, it is easier to resist temptations for the rest of the month. When we understand the high price that Jesus paid for our sins, we strive to avoid anything that might hurt him and will make his sacrifice (see Hebrews 10:24-31).Where should we participate in the Supper? The Lord's Supper is an act of communion among all Christians and the Lord, and is also an act of communion among Christians. In Acts 20:7, the disciples came together to break bread. 1 Corinthians 11:20-22 distinguishes between the Lord's Supper, which was the purpose of their gathering as a congregation, and common meals, which were taken in the homes of Christians. We did not find any authority in the Bible to participate in the Lord's Supper alone or outside of the church assembly.Who has the right to take the Lord's Supper? The Lord's Supper is a spiritual act by the Lord shared with those who are in fellowship with him. Jesus did not offer bread and wine to all, but to his disciples (Matthew 26:26).Those who are outside should not share this meal with the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:16-22).John tells us that we are able to participate in spiritual communion with God only if we walk in the light of his path, "Now the message from Him, we have heard and declare unto you, that God is light, and there there is no darkness. If we say we have fellowship with him yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth.If we walk in the light as it is in the light we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin "(1 John 1:5-7). Only those who understand theremission of sins to enter the body of Christ should partake of the Lord's Supper (Acts 2:38, Galatians 3:26-28).
What does it mean to participate "unworthily"?Everyone who participates in the Lord's Supper should consider yourself to be sure they are participating in the right way, discerning the true meaning of memorial. "Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.Examine yourself, because the man himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup, for he who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment for you "(1 Corinthians 11:27-29). The term "unworthily" is often misunderstood. It does not describe the dignity of the person (no one is truly worthy of communion with Christ). This word describes how to participate. The person who is serious about this celebration is playing with the sacrifice of Christ and is condemned for not discerning the body of Christ.For this reason, we must be very careful every time they partake of the Lord's Supper. It is imperative that we forget the mundane concerns and pay attention only to the death of Christ. If we treat the Lord's Supper as a mere ritual, or if we take lightly and we fail to meditate on its meaning, we condemn ourselves to God.The Lord's Supper:Past, Present and Future.The disciples of Christ are privileged to participate with him the Lord's Supper. Thus, we call the past, present and future.Past:We look back at the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. We understand this as the foundation and center of our salvation.Present:When we meditate on the terrible price that Jesus paid to redeem us from our sin, our decision to resist the temptation is strong.Future:We understand that the death of Jesus is the foundation of our hope, and so we proclaim our faith in him when we look ahead to the coming of the Lord and for our eternal salvation.We can never forget the day black on Calvary when Jesus gave his life to save ours.

Week 45November 4, 2011IBP couples of faith.
Forgiveness:Key to a marriage blessed
Forgiveour debts as we forgive our debtors.Matthew 6:12
Matthew 18:23-3523 "Therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.24 he began the settlement was brought before him who owed him a huge amount of silver.25 he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife, his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt.26 "The servant fell down before him and begged him: Have patience with me, and I will pay all27 The servant's master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.28 "But when that servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii. He grabbed him and began to choke him, saying, "Pay me what you owe me!"29 "His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him:" Have patience with me, and I'll pay you. "30 "But he refused. Instead, he went and threw him into prison until he could pay the debt.31 When the other servants, his companions, saw what had happened, they were greatly distressed and went and told their master everything that had happened.32 "Then the master called the servant and said, 'You wicked servant, I canceled all that debt because you begged me.33 You should not have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you? "34 In anger his master turned him over to the torturers until he paid all he owed.35 "So also my heavenly Father will do to them, if each of you unless you forgive your brother from the heart."Forgiveness:Key to a marriage blessedAs God's forgiveness for man is a key part in the plan of redemption, the forgiveness of discipline should be right in the center of our Christian living. The truth is we have no problems with the concept, it is easy to talk about forgiveness. Practice is that it is difficult, since our benchmarks and standards of justice are very different from God. It is common to keep justifiable resentment, that is, according to our human view, are "covered reason" not to forgive, because what they did to us is "unforgivable."At other times we are looking for true signs of repentance in people so we can "from the top of our magnificence," release forgiveness for them. Often we remind others of the need to repent before we forgive them. Thus we are often self-righteous and quick to find fault, but too late to recognize that we are flawed, we also need to be forgiven, and are what we are only one day because God forgave us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.Today is the day to be completely cured and free of all resentment and all the barriers that have led to a lack of forgiveness in our relationships, and take possession of this powerful fruit of the Spirit in our lives that makes us forgiven and forgiving.WHAT IS FORGIVENESS? Forgiveness means to grant remission of any offense or debt generated by fault or wrongdoing and give up any claim, or release the offender from any liability arising from your failure.We must grant forgiveness freely, not by drawing orexpecting any payment for it. A muchforgiveness condition is common to a particularpositioning or retribution, that is, the famous "blackmailemotional "," I forgive you, but you'll have to give somethingexchange ... "We must give up any claim and release ofonce the offender to the two might be free.God gives us forgiveness freely, because Jesus paid theprice on the cross of Calvary. So we must forgiveto the standard that he established. In any teachingof Jesus we present the lessons of forgiveness, whichestablish a very important spiritual principle that shouldgovern our lives, not only married, but all areas, ifforgive, are forgiven (Matthew 6:14, 15), because God onlycan forgive us as we are willing toforgive others.CONSEQUENCES OF FAILURE TO FORGIVENESS. Follow the directionagainst the plan and the will of God, inevitably leads toa way to defeat and destruction. With forgiveness is notdifferent. The Word shows us that the lack of forgiveness inkeeps in slavery under the yoke of the enemy. If theforgiveness reveals the presence of the Holy Spirit in us, the lack ofopen a large loophole for Satan to operate. Let us look atits consequences:1. When you withhold forgiveness for those inhurt and wounded, are delivered totormentors, as revealed in the text of Matthew18:34. So many relationships do not thrive, asthat there are demons who are able to bringby strife and discord between unforgivenessspouses. Often the lack of forgiveness is the basisfor formation of demonic strongholds;2. One of the most serious consequences of poorForgiveness is the bitterness that is the result of aunforgiveness that has lasted a long time(Hebrews 12:15). The net effect of bitterness ismany will be "contaminated" andallow to take root, it certainly:3. Destroy us, often manifesting inphysical and emotional illness;4. Reach other people;5. Will bear other sins;6. Will cool and harden our hearts;Unforgiveness blocks our fellowship with God. The Lord God has instructed us to forgive our brothers before we pray. That we may walk in faith, we must maintain that kind of attitude towards others, that the promises of God are not delayed in our lives (Matthew 5:22-26) and our own forgiveness is not blocked (Matthew 6: 14 and 15).HOW TO RELEASE FORGIVENESS.The word speaks of those who offend us but also those who have wronged us. So the lack of forgiveness affects both what you refuse to forgive, as the unforgiven.We follow a simple rule:1. If we have offended - we must begin the process of forgiveness;2. If we were the offended - we should also start it.The justified only perpetuates sin and maintains the separation between two people.Generally we judge others by the actions, but we were the intentions. While others want to trial, we want mercy for ourselves.We follow biblical standards for forgiveness:1. The repentance of our spouse (or anyone else) is not necessary for there to be forgiveness. Forgiveness releases the offender to repent it (Romans 2:4). Both the Lord Jesus (Luke 23:34) and Stephen (Acts 7:60), forgave his executioners while they were being killed, even when there was no sign of repentance on the part of those;2. There is no limit to the number of times we should forgive (Matthew 18:22). Love does not keep track of errors, but covers a multitude of sins (I Peter 4:8) and is patient (I Corinthians 13:4);3. If your spouse is repeating the same sin forgive as God forgives (Isaiah 43:25). The Lord does not remember a sin forgiven. When we forgive not really recall of past sins. To forget means not to be thinking about it. Each new hurt is like it never happened before.Never again mention a grief that had already been forgiven (do not raise the dead from the grave!)4. Many fail to consider that forgiveness is an act of will, not a feeling. We must decide to forgive and our feelings will follow this decision. We must make our will agrees with God's will and seek to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Only by loving and compassionate heart to Him we will be able to forgive our debtors, as we shall see as He sees them. Our feelings of hurt and anger will be overwhelmed by the love of God for those who have hurt us;In the words of Proverbs 17:9 we should not tell others about the pain we suffer. Often this happens in situations where you share what happened, only to get sympathy and understanding of others, exposing the spouse situation and allowing others to interfere;1. God does not categorize sins as big and small. We can not justify our little sin of self-righteousness, because of the great sin of our spouse. To God sin is sin (Romans 3:23).When we walk on trial often we become like those whom we believe. We must examine ourselves and not our spouse (Luke 6:37).2. Many justify their lack of positioning their "inability" to forgive:3. "As much as I try I can not forget what he did ..."4. When it says "can not forgive" it actually means "do not want to forgive." This is not possible for the human capacity, but only through the power of God, for Him there is no obstacle to forgiveness. Only by abiding in His nature we will be able to forgive and trust again.CONCLUSION:"Before, home to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ also forgave you." Ephesians 4:32Before we can forgive others, we often need to forgive ourselves, knowing the work of the cross and forgiveness of the Lord over our lives. If you do not forgive, we stay in a superior position to the Lord, full of pride and arrogance, as if He is God can forgive, why can not we forgive our neighbor?Let us not forget that shortly after the fall, man and woman raised a barrier between themselves, allowing the prosecution found place in the relationship. We can not allow even small areas of unforgiveness in our marriage, and neither the enemy to rebuild the "wall" of unforgiveness.Claudio and Maria

Fundamentos de uma Nova Vida
mensagem proferida no culto dominical 44 semana
O propósito eterno de Deus?
para a semana de 29 a 04 out 2011
Week 44

Foundations of a New Life

Baptist Church Pampulha

October 30, 2011

The eternal purpose of God.
There is a big problem in people's lives: the absence of a target. Someone who does not have a target or objective is disoriented and not know where it goes. In life with God can not have this problem. God has a target or a well defined purpose for each one of us. When this purpose we do not know disoriented and adrift in the Kingdom of God.
The apostle Paul had a clear target in your life. He talks about it in text below:
"Not that I have already received or has already reached perfection, but I press on to win that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not think you have achieved, but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to what is before me, press toward the mark for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. " Philippians 3:12-14
As disciples of Jesus in our life we ​​have a clear target to achieve. It is this same goal that Paul speaks. This goal is determined by what God has for me. It's why he created us. God is a God of improvisation, messy, muddled. Do not think we are due to chance or luck. We are the result of a plan (one way) drew from before God created all things. This plan is the eternal purpose of God.
The eternal purpose of God.
We need to understand God's plan not based on reality of man today, contaminated and damaged by sin. You need to know what God had in mind when he decided to create us. As he has done and how man was created. Created in the image and likeness of God. (Genesis 1:26,27). In sin man has the image of destruction, death, revenge, hatred, wars, disease and every kind of evil that are upon the earth. But it was not at first. God created Adam and Eve in His image and likeness. This refers to the character of God. God breathed his breath in man, that is, put his own life in us (Genesis 2:7). He also ordered the man, that is, made man a moral being, that is responsible for his acts (Genesis 1:28,29, 2:16,17).
In God's plan human being would have the same character of God, that is, it would be like him. "Designed to be holy and blameless." Ephesians 1:4 God is holy. This is the character of God. He is holy and is love (I Peter 1:16, I John 4:8). When we planned, God did not want sin was part of our character. God is perfect and we put it in its perfection (Matthew 5:48). So we have this text from Ephesians the statement that we were chosen to be immaculate. God's standard is high for us: to have his holy character. "Designed to be children of God." Ephesians 1:5
According to his love, God created us to be their children, people of your intimacy and heirs of all he has and is. In nature the child inherits his father's character, both by genetics and by the education they receive. So, like children, we like our Father in love and holiness.
"Designed to have Jesus as the center and model." Ephesians 1:9-10. God revealed the mystery of his purpose: to make it all go to Jesus. Make Jesus the center of everything. So if we are made in God's image, we're the image of Jesus is the image of God (Colossians 1:13-15).
The eternal purpose of God: Having a family of many children like Jesus. (Romans 8:28,29). When God created man and woman, he gave the order to fill the earth (Genesis 1:28). God wanted to see the earth full of children who express their love and holiness. It would be a very large family, all similar to that which was the center of all: Jesus. Sin interfered in the execution of this purpose, but God gave him up.Sin killed the man, took the life of God in him. But God has provided through the death and resurrection of Jesus the forgiveness of our sins and return to this purpose.
Everything that happens in the lives of those who love God and are called according to this way of being like Jesus, is for your good. It is God working in your life of each child until he has the same character (image) of Jesus.
Since the purpose of God affects our lives.
a) Now we know well what our goal: to be like Jesus and to participate with God in his purpose to have a family of many children like Jesus. This target takes all my life. All other objectives are of secondary importance. I get to live like Jesus and bring others to the family of God: the Church, so that it is composed of many children.
b) I live to walk as Jesus walked (I John 2:6 and I Peter 2:21). I seek to be like Jesus at all. This is God's goal for me: to be like Jesus, who is the center of everything. Walk as Jesus did, to forgive as he forgave, love as he loved, so to speak as Jesus spoke. I am glad to have my character changed every day until I am like the Lord Jesus at all. For this reason God gave me the Holy Spirit so that he would become. Also the other brothers who work in my life to help me on that. Until the problems and sufferings that step is for the image of Jesus is formed in me (II Corinthians 3:18).
c) I live for my brothers, the family of God (I Thessalonians 5:1). The Lord wants a family, not individuals. It is my pleasure to be part of God's family and build the lives of my brothers to help them grow into the likeness of Jesus.
d) Live to bring many to the family (John 3:16 and 20:21) - The Lord Jesus was sent to save those who were lost, far from the family of God, far from the purpose of God. He came because the Father wanted many children. See, God the Son gave his life so that the Father had many children. Likewise we are sent by the Lord to give our lives for many to repent and become children of God through faith in Jesus.So we preach the Gospel and make disciples of the Kingdom:
1. For the kingdom of God is in the hearts of men.
2. And the glory of God filled the earth through a family of many children like Jesus!
There is nothing that God has decided to do what he can not. He decided before the foundation of the world you would be formed like Jesus. He is engaged in this work. God revealed his will (the mystery) to form the image (the character) of Christ in each one of us (Colossians 1:26-27).
We also promise that we will achieve this target in the final return of Jesus. When Jesus comes again will those who are seeking every day be like him to be completely transformed and God's purpose will be fulfilled.
"See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God, and in fact we are children of God. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know himself. Beloved, now we are children of God, and not yet appear what we shall be. We know that when he appears we shall be like Him, for we shall see him as he é.E purifies himself to every one that hath this hope, as he is pure. "I John 3:1 - 3

Claudio Mattos 3495 9051

October 27, 2011Week 44Group MeetingsCouples of faith, IBP
The Christian Family.
"Unless the Lord builds the house, will be useless construção.Se not work in the Lord watches over the city, the watchman will be useless to stand guard."Psalm 127:1
Let us know well the order of God for the family to be able to live up to it and teach it to others, protect our wives, husbands and sons of Satan's wiles and worldly power of the people who destroy the family. Take our families to be models for sociedade.Deus, through Jesus Christ is meant to bless all the families of the earth, fulfilling the ancient promise to Abraham:Acts 3:25-26 25 And you are heirs of the prophets and the covenant God made with their ancestors. He said to Abraham: "Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed. 26 God raised his Servod, sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways. " What is Family?Genesis 1:27-28 27 So God created man in His image, the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and told them: "Be fruitful and multiply! Fill the earth and subdue! Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and over every living creature that moves on the earth. "24 Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave father and mother and be united to his wife and they shall become one flesh.The family, God's creation, is the primary community of mankind, and is constituted by the union of man and woman. The family comes before any other institution, come before the city or the nation.The family is the eldest of human society. Centuries pass and men continue integrating in families, so we say that the family is the nucleus of society. God is the creator of the family, and as such, is the only one who has the authority and right to say what is the family so she is, and how it works.The family can live and develop normally if it receives the blessing of God.
Current Situation of Families.The crisis experienced by our generation is located mainly in homes. Like the first sin was committed within the family and strove against it (see Genesis 3:6), even in our most sin are committed within the family and against her will.In the homes there are tensions, disputes, arguments, quarrels, cries, hurt, resentment, bitterness, and even separations. The family is the target of Satan and your goal is to destroy it. The deterioration of traditional values, the increase in family conflicts, the growing number of separations are alarming. The church has something to offer the families of our society to save them. Is there a solution in Jesus Christ to family crises. The deterioration of the family is because God's orders have been ignored, abandoned and replaced by human standards.We must grasp that our contribution will be effective if the teaching is accompanied by the example of our families. Matthew 5:13-14 "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be to restore its flavor? For nothing except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. You can not hide a city on a hill. "The family needs the Word of God: We are very fortunate! God through His Word gives us instruction on all aspects of family life. His teachings are clear, truthful, accurate, and perfect (Psalm 19:7-9). They are for all families at all times. The transforming power of the Holy Spirit is a reality we have in us the Lord's strength to change, improve and excel in the family until we get to be wholesome and holy to the glory of God. The fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), manifested in us, brings out all the virtues necessary for us to have a harmonious family life.Valuable help in the church, pastors and brothers always find older ones to whom we can turn to for wisdom, advice and guidance. In addition, there will be well-educated families that we serve as valuable examples and models, from which we learn and which we should emulate. Our commitment to Faith: Matthew 6:10 "Your kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as in heaven." We have homes as God intended. We want to learn how to be families who live in the reality of the kingdom of heaven here on earth, under the lordship of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 "... being confident of this, that in you the one who began a good work to completion until the day of Christ Jesus ..."We believe wholeheartedly that God will perfect it until we get to be a people of their liking:• A people made up of strong families and stable.• Couples who live together in harmony and fidelity.• Children respectful, loving and responsible husbands.• A people who can work, study, move, get married, eat, raise children, rest, honor their elders, have fun, recreate, comfortable homes that have prosperous and organized, harmonious.• A people diligent people, complying with their obligations, industrious, generous, who can serve.• A harmonious people, consisting of healthy and happy families where there is love peace and order.

Fundamentos de uma Nova Vida
mensagem proferida no culto dominical 43 semana
O que é um discípulo?
para a semana de 22 a 28 out 2011

Week 43Foundations for a New LifeBaptist Church PampulhaOctober 23, 2011

and being made perfect, became theAuthor of eternal salvationfor all who obey him. Hebrews 5.9 there is no salvation without obedience!
What is a disciple?The word "disciple" appears more often than "Christian" or "believer" in the New Testament, where it is used to describe the followers of Jesus.A disciple is a "person who follows the teachings of a master" (Dictionary of the Bible Almeida). Since the master of Christians is Jesus, the true disciple learns and follows the will of the Son of God. But is that all who call themselves Christians are true disciples of the Lord?Instead of looking to others and criticize, we examine our own attitudes and actions to see if we truly are disciples of Jesus.See these challenging words of Christ: "If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself, day by day and take up his cross and follow me" (Luke 9:23). Here we find an essential element of true discipleship that presents huge challenge: Deny yourself: While the world and many religions begin with the selfishness of man, Jesus requires self-denial.Sometimes we invite people to realize their dreams of wealth, happiness and emotional positions of honor, but the Lord's message is another. He asks the person to deny their own desires to do his will. Taking up the cross: Jesus came to give life, but the way to life through the valley of death. Not only the death of Christ, but ours as well. Paul said: "For through the law I died to the law in order to live for God. I have been crucified with Christ. So, no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. " (Galatians 2:19-20).Various religions and philosophies require sacrifice and self-denial. Some teach "commandments and doctrines of men" and "ascetic rigor" that prohibit things that Jesus does not forbid."Since you died with Christ to the elementary principles of this world, why, as if it belonged to him, you submit to rules:" Do not handle! "," Not proven "," Do not touch! "? All these things are destined to perish by use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. These rules have indeed an appearance of wisdom, with their pretended religion, false humility and severity to the body, but are not worth anything to curb the impulses of the flesh. "(Colossians 2:20-23)."And, approaching Jesus, said unto them, saying: I was given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, until the end of time. " Matthew 28:18-20and being made perfect, became theAuthor of eternal salvationfor all who obey him. Hebrews 5.9 there is no salvation without obedience!
"Andwhether it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved,where he will attend the wicked, yea,the sinner? "1 Peter 4:18"There is no salvation without improvement"
"A disciple is one who believes in all that Christ said and do all that Christ commands." It is important to understand that in the context of the New Testament there is no one who is converted and is not a disciple. Convert, save, disciple, are all terms that refer to the same person, and each term emphasizes a different aspect of life or experience of this person:Except, what was delivered from condemnation and the power of sin.Converted, that has undergone a transformation of mind.Disciple, follower, practicing the teachings of the master, submissive.Believer, who believesEach of these terms has a different meaning, but they are all applied to the same person. If you do not understand this, live in confusion.Because it is common to find people who say they are converted, they sincerely believe are saved, but that, contradictory to this, say their aim is to be obedient to Christ. His desire is "one day" be delivered and fully consecrated to the Lord.Now that's a big mess because someone is converted as if it fully and unconditionally surrendered to Jesus Christ (Mt7: 21), waiving all that he has (Lc14: 33) and life (Lc14: 26)?We also know, and say it with sorrow, that a spirit of false prophecy similar to what was in Israel at the time of Jeremiah, has deceived many. In those days when the people were under the condemnation of God because of his rebellion, false prophets had said that peace with God leading the people to mistake. This mistake prevented the people to experience a true repentance."They have healed also the hurt of my people, saying Peace, peace, when there is no peace." Jeremiah 6:14"Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy to you, teaching you vain: they speak a vision of your heart, not from the mouth of the Lord. They say still unto them that despise the word of the Lord: Ye shall have peace, and to everyone who walks in the stubbornness of their hearts they say, No evil shall come upon you. " Jeremiah 23:16-17In these days God is restoring the understanding of the gospel of the kingdom, in order to fulfill the prophecy of Malachi 3:18 "Then shall ye again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serves God and him that serveth him not."Whoever wants to be a converted without being a disciple, found no such claim in the scriptures. A convert is more than a believer. It is a disciple. We can refer to a person who is the kingdom of God using any of the terms that appear in the scriptures.

                                                                                      Claudio Mattos

Fundamentos de uma Nova Vida
mensagem proferida no culto dominical 42 semana
Batismo no Espírito Santo
para a semana de 15 a 21 out 2011
Week 42Foundations of a New LifeBaptist Church of Pampulha
Baptism in the Holy SpiritOnset of action of the Holy Spirit.The Holy Bible scholars share the facts about the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in two periods which are called pre-and post-Pentecost Pentecost. At first, the Spirit pre existed as the third person of the Trinity, Genesis1: 2. He fell upon the men temporarily in order to qualify them for special service and let them so the task was accomplished.The second period began with the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Acts 2: 2. Although many people believe that the Spirit has begun to act only after the ascension of Jesus, in fact it has always worked powerfully throughout biblical history, including in the Old Testament. In the period of creation, when the Bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, not to say that this act acted just one of the persons of the Godhead.Father, Son and Spirit were involved in the work of creation. Colossians 1: 16 says that all things were created in Jesus, "through him and for him."Job himself recognizes that the Spirit of God gives life, 33: 4 - John The Evangelist (1: 1-4), talking about the creation says that God the Son was with God the Father in the creation of the world. God the Spirit. According to the text of Genesis 1: 2, the earth was formless and empty, darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. Here is the action of the Spirit in creation. "With the breath of his mouth God made everything," Psalm 33: 6Genesis 1: 2 states: "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."This text indicates the action of the Spirit of the Lord in the creation of the universe. The term "hovering over the face of the waters" could be literally translated "still covering it," as does the bird to hatch their eggs. The Spirit brings order where there is a void, paving the way for the powerful work of God the Creator.Before the flood:First there was the creation of the universe and living beings. Only after God created man in His own image and likeness, 1: 26. Later he gave the man a helper, 2: 22. God put them in the Garden of Eden, giving them an order that must be obeyed, 2:16 -17. Defeated by the blow of the devil, Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were expelled from the Garden, 3: 23. The human race multiplies every day, and with it the evil of your heart, 6: 5. Then God repents of having created man and decides to consume it from the earth, sending her on a flood, 6, 7 and 17.After the Flood:This period runs from the flood to the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Acts 2: 2. The Spirit continued actively operating, temporarily enabling the servants of God in the execution of some important tasks. Some examples: Joseph, Genesis 41: 38 by enabling only the Spirit of God Joseph could interpret dreams of Pharaoh and get to the privileged position of governor of Egypt, Bezalel, Exodus 31: 3-5 - God's Spirit filled, giving her talent, skill, intelligence, knowledge in all manner of workmanship, to devise artistic, and work in gold, silver and bronze for polishing precious stones, wood carving, for all types of needlework.Numbers 11:24-3024 And Moses went and told the people what the Lord had said. Authorities gathered seventy of them and arranged them around the tent.25 The LORD descended in the cloud and spoke to him, and took the Spirit that was upon Moses and put it on the seventy authorities. When the Spirit came upon them, prophesied, but then never made to do so.26 However, two men named Eldad and Medad, had remained in the camp.Both were on the list of authorities, but had not gone to the tent. The Spirit also came upon them, and prophesied in the camp.27 Then one young man ran and told Moses, "Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp."28 Joshua son of Nun, who from his youth was Moses' assistant, stepped in and said, "Moses, my lord, forbid them!"29 But Moses replied, "Are you jealous for me? I wish all the people of the Lord were prophets and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them! "30 Then Moses and the elders of Israel returned to camp.And the seventy began to prophesy, including Eldad and Medad, who were outside the camp. Joshua, however, already jealous by the prophet, made him a poor recommendation of opportunity on both: "My Lord Moses, forbid them."Turning to his valiant servant, the servant of God rebuked him: "Are you jealous for me? I hope that all the LORD's people were prophets, that the LORD gave them his Spirit "(Numbers 11:29).In this passage from Numbers, the Israelites could already catch a glimpse, though pale, than would be the Pentecost. Isaiah, known as the evangelist of the Old Testament points to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: "I will pour water on the thirsty and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed and my blessing upon thine offspring" (Isaiah 44 : 3).Joel, a Pentecostal prophet, unlocks the history of salvation and shows the descent of the Holy Spirit as the inauguration of the period known as the last days: "And let it be, then pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your children and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. It must be that whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved "(Joel 2:28-32).John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus Christ, predicted the baptism of the Holy Spirit: "And I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, I am not worthy take your shoes he will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire "(Matthew 3:11).Jesus, the Son of God promises the outpouring of the Spirit: "And being with them, commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which (he said), you heard from me. For John truly baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence "(Atos1 :4-5).The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not a fad nor a theological creation of any particular denomination. It is a promise of the Father, the Son ratified and executed by the Comforter. History shows that the Christian Church of Pentecost in Jerusalem to this day, there was continuity in the dispensation of rich promise.[Such grace is not even owned by the "evangelical"]. Augustine (354-430): "We will do what the apostles did when they laid their hands on the Samaritans, asking the Holy Spirit fell on them, we expect that converts speak new languages." The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not fad, rather it is a promise of the Father, Son and manifested confirmed by the Divine Comforter.The outpouring of the Holy Spirit led the disciples, now as a Church, to devote greater reverence to the Lord Jesus Christ: "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and to prayer. Fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles "(Acts 2:42-43).God has much more to give us, as the Lord Jesus promises: "If anyone thirsts, let him come unto me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture said, streams of living water out of his belly. And this He said the Spirit, that they would receive those believing in him because the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified "(John 7:37-39).The baptism of the Holy Spirit enables Christians to gain power and anointing to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, reverence for the things of God and experience a full spirituality. Have you been baptized with the Holy Spirit? If not, know one thing: the promise comes to all who believe and accept God's Son as his sole and sufficient Savior.[Note] When the Christian receives the Holy Spirit? The doctrine that only has the Holy Spirit who speaks languages, has no biblical support. The gift of tongues is undeniably one of the gifts of the Spirit, but this gift is not inevitably the only and final proof of who is baptized with the Holy Spirit. What the Bible says, and clearly, is that the Holy Spirit when it comes to the Christian converts (Acts 2:38), obey (Acts 5:32), pray (Luke 11:13); has faith (Galatians 3:14). After that, goes to live in a Christian (I Corinthians 3:16), and then it will produce in your life the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).Theologically, we have to say that nobody can be saved, born again, accepting Christ as Savior, without at the same time have the Father and the Holy Spirit, for God is not divided and there are not three gods but one. No one can have a third or two thirds of God! Or has it, or do not have. "Jesus said in the clearest way that, when it comes to live in our hearts, is not alone. Note: (John 14:21-23) "He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is that loveth Me: and he that loves me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him. .. and we will come to him and make our abode with him. "Indeed, those who receive the Son receives the Father and the Spirit, for they are all one God. So when we say we have Christ in his heart, is the same as saying: We have the Holy Spirit (Galatians 4: 6)."Repent, and each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38).Repent, and each of you be baptized. Repentance, forgiveness of sins and baptism are prerequisites for receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. Still, water baptism before receiving the promise of the Father, should not be taken as absolute pre-condition for the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the baptism in the Spirit is not an automatic consequence of water baptism.The Apostle Peter demanded water baptism before receiving the promise because, in the minds of his Jewish listeners, the rite of baptism was assumed as part of any decision to convert. Water baptism, however, preceded the baptism of the Spirit in the instances recorded in (Acts 9:17-18) "So Ananias went and entered the house, put his hands on Saul and said," Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, which appeared in the road as you came, has sent me so you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. " Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes and he could see again. Arose and was baptized "[also Acts 10.44-48 (the house of Cornelius)].Every Christian, then repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ by faith, to receive (Acts 2: 38 and Gálatas14) personal baptism in the Spirit. We see in the book of Acts the Holy Ghost is consciously desired, sought and received (Atos1: two points4, 14, 4: two pontos31, 8:14-17, 19:2-6), the only possible exception to the rule, in the NT (New Testament) was the case of Cornelius (10:44-48).Hence, the Baptism should not automatically be considered a gift given to the believer in Christ.Repentance of sin is a precondition for receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit, to be pursued with perseverance in prayer for all who are saved. To receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, just have to believe that the promise is for us, for our children and for all who accept Christ as the sole and sufficient Savior, repenting of their sins. Also the desire to bear witness of Jesus is a call to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus told his disciples that they should wait, praying, until the top to receive the endowment of power and then would be powerful witnesses throughout the world.TO YOU, YOUR CHILDREN AND ALL! The promise of the baptism in the Holy Spirit was not only to those present at Pentecost, but also for all believers in Christ throughout this era, and unto the hearers of Peter, to your children to the next generation, to all who are far from the third and subsequent generation. The baptism in the Holy Spirit with the power that accompanies it, was not an isolated occurrence, without repetition, in church history. Not cease with the Pentecost. It is the right through the new birth of every Christian to seek, expect and experience the same baptism in the Spirit that was promised and given to Christians in the New Testament (Acts 1:4-8).Sighs too deep!Likewise the Spirit also helps our weakness, we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep.(Romans 8:26). Simply put, prayer is talking to God. You expose our hearts to the Father establishing an intimate relationship. Prayer takes place in numerous ways: in thought, in praise, etc.. Sometimes a single sigh or a cry is worth a thousand words ("... and Hezekiah wept bitterly. "(Isaiah 38:3 b).There is a myth that God needs our prayers. The truth is that we need not say anything that He knows what is happening with us. Being one of the characteristics of the omniscience of His sovereignty, God knows all things. As they say, "... even before the word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord "(Psalm 139:4).However, we who need God. In Christ Jesus we now have free access to the Father, allowing us to put all our anxieties before His presence, without intermediaries. And it is through prayer - a vehicle through which the Lord allows us to come - that gives this "approach", showing humility and sense of dependence.God hears us! Prayer has the power to tamper with the supernatural: "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." (James 5:16 b). He works so much that whenever we pray in the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with sighs too deep, in a cry that is not expressed or is expressed in words, but reality beyond our reaching the spiritual sphere, transforming the universe, makingnature tremble, transcending human understanding. That is, the Holy Spirit moves in our favor when we pray.But nothing is by chance, but all the Lord has a reason, because "we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28). Indeed, prayer with faith in Jesus Christ reverberates in the spiritual world in such a way that carries with it the sovereignty of God, namely, the Holy Spirit translates our anxieties leading them to the knowledge of the Father and, therefore, God acts to our good. In this sense the sighs too deep to be interpreted. Because of our prayer, God moves the world of love for us.The Spirit of God who was present at creation, given that moved upon the face of the waters (Genesis 1:2), is now present in the recreation, interfering with the prayer of the born again (John 3:3-8), moving all with sighs too deep to bless their children. Therefore, whenever you remember to pray that the Holy Spirit is with you, with a cry that is not put into words and absolute power can radically change everything in your favor. Let us pray always in the spirit, because prayer can transform the world!                                                                                             Claudio Mattos

Fundamentos de uma Nova Vida
mensagem proferida no culto dominical 41 semana
Batismo nas Águas
para a semana de 09 a 14 out 2011
WEEK 41 October 9, 2011 Foundations of a New Life. Baptist Church of Pampulha
Faith puts us with Jesus on the cross, crucified with Him; puts us in the grave, buried with him, still puts us in heaven, the right hand of God, risen with Christ! It is when we see him, understanding the vicarious sacrifice of the Son of God, that we have the right to Christ did.
Water Baptism Baptism should be seen as a seal of the righteousness that comes by faith, and of course must follow the faith, as determined by the final words of Jesus that are recorded in the Gospel of Mark. "He said to them," Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all people.Whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned. " Mark 16:15-16 This is the reason we do not baptize, and neither, we validated the baptism of children, you must believe first and then be baptized. Obey the biblical principle of consecrating their children to the Lord, but only after he baptized can believe and profess their faith. Baptism is an ordinance of Jesus clear to everyone that believeth. It is the circumcision of the heart. In the Old Testament, the Jews had to seal their faith circumcision, in the New Testament, circumcision was abolished, being seen symbolically in baptism: "In him also you were circumcised, not by hands, but in stripping the flesh from the body, which is the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen by faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead, "Colossians 2:11-12 Water Baptism Circumcision Today, this happens in the heart circumcision, and Paul's relationship with the baptism. There is a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is merely external and physical. No! Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is operated in the heart by the Spirit and not by written law. For them the praise is not from men but from God. Romans 2:28-29 Baptism does not save, but accompanies salvation. Jesus said that those who believe (to believe and is baptized) will be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned. Note that he did not say "who is not baptized will be condemned," but "who does not believe." The baptism follows faith that leads to salvation, but it itself is not a means of salvation. Say that the thief who was crucified with Christ and who Jesus said he was still with him in paradise that day. One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Are not you the Christ?Save to yourself and us! "But the other criminal rebuked him, saying," Do not you fear God, or being under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong. " Then he said: "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus replied: "I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:29-43
"Therefore, according to Jesus, need to be born "of water and the Spirit." "Born of the Spirit" means entering a new life through a change of mind and heart. By involving a completely new kind of experience, and not just a refinement of the old lifestyle, the act of being part of the kingdom of God is called new birth. Baptism by water is an outward symbol that depicts change interior. "
He just could not believe and be baptized, but did not fail to be saved by it.Baptism, therefore, does not save, but it is nevertheless to be important and necessary. That thief was unable to go through the baptism, but one who believes must obey the ordinance of Christ and be baptized. Otherwise, you are in deliberate disobedience to God, which may prevent him from entering into eternal life. We can say that baptism is part of the process of salvation, but it saves itself. The apostle Peter wrote the following about baptism: It is better to suffer for doing good, if God's will, than for doing evil. For Christ also died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God. He was killed in the body but made alive by the Spirit, which also went and preached to the spirits in prison who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was built. In it only a few people, namely, eight were saved through water, 1 Peter 3:17-22
Baptism is an identification with Christ. It is an identification with Christ. Baptism is a meaning beyond being a public witness to our faith in Jesus. In fact, it is the means by which external kind of faith we have placed in Jesus Christ. When we talk about faith in Jesus, we refer not to believe that he exists, is more than that! Most people believe that Jesus exists, but does not understand what he did. They are two completely different things, which saves us from eternal damnation and condemnation of sin is the work of Christ on the cross in our place. When he died on the cross, the Lord Jesus did not die because they deserve to die. Rather, as fair and innocent, He replaced it, the suffering that we should suffer in order that we might receive God's salvation. There are two basic elements in the faith that saves us: identification and ownership. It is important to understand each of them within the symbolism of baptism.
Identification. It is the aspect of faith that makes us see that Jesus took our position as sin, that we assume the position of justice of him. "Once we know the fear of the Lord, we persuade men. What we are before God is manifest, and we hope that is manifest also in the face of consciousness. "We're not trying to commend ourselves again to you, but we are giving them the opportunity to exult in us, to have to answer those who boast of appearances rather than what is in the heart. If going crazy, and love for God if sober mind, is love for you. For the love of Christ compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and rose again. So, from now on, anyone else think the human point of view. Even before Christ have considered thus far have not considered so. So if anyone is in Christ, is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world, not counting men's sins and gave us the message reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. For the love of Christ will pray: Be reconciled to God. God became sin for us who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. "2 Corinthians 5:11-21
Appropriation It is the aspect of faith that makes me, what I've seen done in Jesus. It is when we realize that we are not saved by works but by grace through faith and we appropriate it. "Or do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him in death through baptism, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory Father, we too may live a new life. " Romans 6:3-4 The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy and said, "lay hold on eternal life" (I Timothy 6:12). Baptism is a testimony of our identification with Christ, he reveals not only that we have faith, but what kind of faith we have. When someone immersed in water, we are symbolically declaring that the person was buried with Jesus. And by raising that person from the water, we're acknowledging that she has risen with Christ to live a new life. Therefore, baptism is where we recognize what kind of faith we have faith that one identifies with Christ and His finished work on the cross. Acts 8:26-40 26 An angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go south to the desert road that descends from Jerusalem to Gaza." 27 He got up and left. On his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship God and 28 back home, sitting in his chariot reading the Book of Isaiah. 29 And the Spirit said to Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it." 30 Then Philip ran to the chariot and heard the man reading the prophet Isaiah and asked, "Do you understand what you're reading? 31 He answered, "How can I understand unless someone guides me?" So he invited Philip to come up and sit beside him. 32 The eunuch was reading this passage of Scripture: "He was led like sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before the shearer is dumb, so he opened not his mouth. 33 In his humiliation he was deprived of justice. Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth. " 34 The eunuch asked Philip, "Tell me please, who is the prophet talking about?Himself or someone else? "35 Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news of Jesus. 36 along the road came to a place where there was water. The eunuch said, "Look, here is water. What prevents me from being baptized? " 37 Philip said, "You can if you believe with all your heart." The eunuch replied: "I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God." 38 So he ordered the chariot to stop. Then Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. 39 When they left the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away suddenly.The eunuch saw him no more, and full of joy, went his way. 40 Philip, however, appeared in nitrogen, and came to Caesarea, preaching the gospel in all the cities through which he passed. In this paper, we have a model for the form of baptism. And there we see that already in evangelism, baptism was taught to new converts. What we do know that no one should take to be baptized after making his decision to serve Jesus.In addition, we also see what is the criteria for someone to baptize, when the Ethiopian question: "Here is water, which prevents me from being baptized?" Philip's answer is to bring light on the basic requirement for baptism: "It is lawful, if you believe with all my heart (Acts 8:36-37) Who can baptize? When the person was informed of the work (and not just the person) of redemption of Jesus Christ, and believe with all my heart (no doubt about it), she is ready to be baptized. When you baptize the new converts? No date has been established, only the criteria that should make the newly converted. In the case of Philip and the Ethiopian, it was quick! How to get baptized? The word "baptism" in Greek means "immerse, plunge, put into." In the course of history for various reasons, appeared other forms of baptism as sprinkling and washing (bath). However, because baptism is an identification with Christ in His death and resurrection, and that is exactly what immersion means, do not practice other forms of baptism. When Philip baptized the Ethiopian, they stopped at a place where there was water. The Bible says that both entered the water. Acts. 8:38-39 38 So he ordered the chariot to stop. Then Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. 39 When they left the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away suddenly.The eunuch saw him no
Certainly that was traveling eunuch stocked with drinking water. If it were to practice sprinkling, that coach had enough water for it. But baptize is to dip! No wonder that John the Baptist used to baptize the Jordan River. Then he changed the place of baptism for Enon near Salim. The reason for this is described by the apostle John in his gospel: "because there was much water." (John 3:23) There is no specific place for the baptism. In our temple, we have a baptistery, but also baptized in rivers, pools, and where there is enough water for immersion ... Besides water, you need someone to administer baptism to the new convert, since there is no self Baptism in the Bible. And who can baptize? Who has authority to do so? Only the pastor? No! "The ordinance is clear from Jesus: Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Jesus commanded us to make disciples and baptize them later. The order implies that as the disciple who does have the authority to baptize him. Philip was only a deacon, doing the work of an evangelist. It was the pastor of any church, and baptized! Paul told the Corinthians that there was almost no one among them named. We understand that even when dealing with their children in faith, he probably passed this task to other co-workers, who were not pastors. In our church, they lead the baptism for the sake of order, but not because only pastors can baptize. As pastors preach and that's not to say that only they can preach, it is with baptism. In baptism they can call the leader or the leader of couples of the person to baptize the new converts. For many churches, the words of Matthew 28:19 ("in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit") is the formula to be followed in baptism. We see this as a spiritual principle, showing the Trinity involved in baptism. But the way the apostles obeyed this order, gives us to understand that they have not seen in the words of Jesus a formula to be repeated. The old alliances still apply? The old alliances that perhaps someone somewhere has done so or are broken, because the covenants are valid only while he who made them is alive. When someone accepts Jesus Christ as Lord, he dies and is born again. John 3:3 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."
"Or do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore buried with him in death through baptism, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory Father, we too may live a new life. " Romans 6:3-4
Claudio Mattos
Fundamentos de uma Nova Vida
mensagem proferida no culto dominical 40 semana
para a semana de 02 a 07out 2011


Todos nós temos um anseio à vida espiritual, na verdade existe um descontentamento na maioria de nós. O nosso espírito acusa que há mais a ser realizado em nós, na igreja e no mundo. 
Uma das chaves para alcançar essa satisfação plena tão desejada é o ARREPENDIMENTO.
“Arrependam-se, pois o Reino dos céus está próximo”(Mateus 3:2).  O ensino do arrependimento tem sido ausente em nossa realidade, a intenção de agradar, atrair tem tornado as mensagens superficiais e diluído a idéia do pecado, oferecendo muito e exigindo muito pouco.
Conhecemos cristãos que não evidenciam em suas vidas o fruto do arrependimento, ou seja, uma transformação, mudança radical de vida. “Portanto, se alguém está em Cristo, é nova criação. As coisas antigas já passaram; eis que surgiram coisas novas!(2 Coríntios 5:17) . “Considerem:
Uma árvore boa dá fruto bom, e uma árvore ruim dá fruto ruim, pois uma árvore é conhecida por seu fruto” (Mateus 12:33).
Creio que nesta temporada estaremos experimentando um excelente padrão  espiritual,  podemos dizer que o avivamento está próximo, mas nós precisamos de arrependimento. Quando o Espírito Santo veio sobre a igreja primitiva, a primeira mensagem que foi liberada naquele dia foi uma mensagem de arrependimento:
“Quando ouviram isso, ficaram aflitos em seu coração, e perguntaram a Pedro e aos outros apóstolos: “Irmãos, que faremos?” Pedro respondeu: “Arrependam-se, e cada um de vocês seja batizado em nome de Jesus Cristo para perdão dos seus pecados, e receberão o dom do Espírito Santo”(Atos2:37-38).
Muitas vezes nós temos falado sobre avivamento, mover de Deus, vinho novo e etc..., as pessoas começam a pensar que avivamento é cantar, fazer passeatas ou fazer conferências ou ter a igreja cheia. Nós só vamos experimentar verdadeiro avivamento quando uma onda de arrependimento vier sobre nós e um clamor por santidade invadir os nossos cultos e lares.                                                                                                             
Deus manda marcar aqueles que têm um peso por santidade, que não suportam a impureza na casa do Senhor. “e lhe disse: Percorra a cidade de Jerusalém e ponha um sinal na testa daqueles que suspiram e gemem por causa de todas as práticas repugnantes que são feitas nela” (Ezequiel 9:4).
Deus está procurando homens e mulheres nestes dias, aos quais o zelo pela  santidade consumam. Precisamos fazer com que Deus não tenha que esperar outra geração, que não seja a nossa geração que esteja disposta a gemer e pagar um preço por Santidade .
Se queremos avivamento, precisamos mudar nossa temática.  ARREPENDIMENTO precisa voltar para os nossos assuntos. [Leia Pecadores nas mãos de um Deus irado - Jonanthan Edwards].
O tema arrependimento não é um tema muito atrativo, mas eu estou convencido de que o arrependimento genuíno vai abrir uma enchente do mover de Deus. Famílias inteiras serão transformadas. O arrependimento traz contrição e quebrantamento; e nós sabemos que Deus não resiste ao contrito e quebrantado de coração. O arrependimento nos leva de volta ao caminho do qual não deveríamos ter saído, o caminho da Santidade, pureza, renúncia, humildade, etc.
Por natureza somos tendenciosos e “nos acharmos”! Arrepender-se de quê?! Busque uma comunhão com a palavra e com o Espírito Santo e ele te dirá: “se o meu povo, que se chama pelo meu nome, se humilhar e orar, buscar a minha face e se afastar dos seus maus caminhos, dos céus o ouvirei, perdoarei o seu pecado e curarei a sua terra”(2 Crônicas 7:14).
É interessante olhar este texto de uma perspectiva diferente. O Senhor aqui está dizendo que não importa a situação, se houver retorno para mim, se  voltar para mim; em outras palavras, se houver arrependimento, a situação pode ser revertida. Arrependimento abre ou rompe uma grande porta para as realizações de Deus. O evangelho de Lucas 15 [As três parábolas], nos ensina algo muito interessante.
A primeira:  Ele se refere a um pastor que tinha cem ovelhas e uma delas se desviou do caminho e ficou perdida. Ele deixou as outras e foi atrás da perdida e quando a encontrou ficou cheio de alegria. Voltou com ela nos seus ombros e disse  que há alegria nos céus por um pecador que se converte.
O interessante nessa parábola que tanto conhecemos é que Jesus não está falando de alguém que nunca foi ovelha. Ele fala de uma ovelha que foi ovelha daquele pastor e se desviou. É obvio que este texto também se aplica às pessoas que se encontram com Jesus a primeira vez, mas é importante entendermos que Jesus falava de alguém que era ovelha e o arrependimento produziu alegria nos céus.
Arrependimento causa alegria nos céu. Jesus continua citando a história de uma mulher que tinha dez “dracmas” e perdeu uma, ficou completamente desesperada, varreu o chão da casa, buscou com diligência até encontrá-la e, quando a encontrou, chamou as amigas e vizinhas e celebrou, fez festa. Você pode perceber que aqui também se fala sobre arrependimento. Jesus cita no verso 10 que há alegria diante dos anjos , Ele afirma que quando existe o arrependimento, Ele libera alegria nos céus .
Como se não bastasse, o mestre continua o capítulo com mais uma parábola sobre desviados. A famosa parábola do filho pródigo com a qual mais uma vez eu me surpreendo por encontrar coisas novas e tão maravilhosas. Jesus cita como o filho mais novo saiu de casa e foi viver sua vida e depois "caindo em si" e arrependendo-se, voltou com o desejo de ser apenas servo.
Uma das coisas que sempre me intriga em pessoas que se dizem arrependidas e voltam para pedir perdão é que elas muitas vezes dizem “me perdoe”, “mas... Você também fez isto ou aquilo...” No arrependimento não há lugar para “mas... mas”, ou justificativas. O filho pródigo estava realmente arrependido, pois ele voltou com o desejo de ser servo. Em reposta a este arrependimento sincero o pai o viu de longe e correu ao encontro do filho. O texto diz que o pai lançou-se ao pescoço do filho e o beijou. Que cena maravilhosa! O filho pródigo voltando para casa e desejando apenas ser servo. Ainda nem havia chegado e de longe o pai correu ao encontro dele.
O Arrependimento move o Pai a correr em nossa direção e se lançar ao nosso pescoço. Quando o Pai está presente, então há avivamento, festa, alegria e restauração .
Nós vimos que o arrependimento move os céus e os céus se alegram quando há arrependimento. O senhor se alegra quando há arrependimento genuíno, Ele corre em nossa direção. Talvez você pergunte por que em nossos cultos nós oramos e pedimos para que o Senhor venha e muitas vezes nós saímos da mesma forma que entramos.
Talvez a resposta seja porque nós não estejamos vivendo uma vida de arrependimento, quebrantamento e contrição. Precisamos pedir ao Espírito Santo para gerar arrependimento em nossas vida.
“O que acham? Havia um homem que tinha dois filhos. Chegando ao primeiro, disse: ‘Filho, vá trabalhar hoje na vinha’.“E este respondeu: ‘Não quero!’ Mas depois mudou de idéia e foi.  “O pai chegou ao outro filho e disse a mesma coisa. Ele respondeu: ‘Sim, senhor!’ Mas não foi. “Qual dos dois fez a vontade do pai?” “O primeiro”, responderam eles. Jesus lhes disse: “Digo-lhes a verdade: Os publicanos e as prostitutas estão entrando antes de vocês no Reino de Deus. Porque João veio para lhes mostrar o caminho da justiça, e vocês não creram nele, mas os publicanos e as prostitutas creram. E, mesmo depois de verem isso, vocês não se arrependeram nem creram nele”. Mateus 21: 28-32
A palavra grega para arrependimento é “metanoia”, literalmente significa: "Reflexão posterior", ou "mudança de mente". Todavia o seu sentido bíblico vai além, significando uma mudança de rumo, mudança de direção, de atitude. Este é o significado da palavra. O texto acima  nos dá lições claras sobre o arrependimento.
O primeiro filho: Confissão de fé sem arrependimento gera uma devoção meramente exterior. Naquela ocasião, os ouvintes de Jesus eram os fariseus, indivíduos que viviam na ilusão pensando que eram muito justos, não se vendo a si mesmos como pecadores ou desobedientes. Mas, apesar de serem religiosos, conforme é visto nesta parábola, não estavam mais próximos do reino do que uma prostituta.( Mateus 21:31)
O segundo filho, a confissão de fé, acompanhada de arrependimento gera uma vida de obediência à vontade de Deus. Observe que o segundo filho quando recebeu a ordem do pai disse:  "Não quero". Esta é por natureza a nossa resposta às ordens de Deus. Como já vimos, a palavra "arrependimento" significa um redirecionamento da vontade humana. Assim, o segundo filho, embora a princípio, não quisesse fazer a vontade do pai, arrependido, mudou de posição
Igualmente precisamos desprezar nossos pecados, confessá-los, abandoná-los, fazer as devidas reparações e tomar as devidas providências para não repetirmos o erro. Poderemos pecar - e vamos -, mas o processo de santificação não pode ser interrompido. (Zaqueu – Lucas 19:8-9)
Claudio Mattos                                                                                                                                                        

Essentials of New Life Baptist          Church of Pampulha 


We all have a yearning for spiritual life, there is actually a disappointment in most of us. 
Our spirit charges that there is more to be done in us, the church and the world. 
One key to achieving that coveted full satisfaction is repentance. 
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near" (Matthew 3:2). 
The teaching of repentance has been absent in our reality, the intention to please, attract the messages have become superficial and diluted the idea of ​​sin, offering much and demanding too little. 
We know Christians who do not show in their lives the fruit of repentance, that is, a transformation, radical change of life. 
"So if anyone is in Christ, is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold the new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17). "Consider: 
A good tree bears good fruit, and a bad tree bears bad fruit, because a tree is known by its fruit "(Matthew 12:33). 
I think this season we are experiencing a great spiritual standard, we can say that revival is near, but we need to repent. 
When the Holy Spirit came upon the early church, the first message that was released that day was a message of repentance: 
"When they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and other apostles," Brothers, what shall we do? "Peter replied," Repent, and each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of 
their sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit "(Atos2 :37-38). 
Many times we have talked about the revival, move of God, new wine and etc ..., people start to think that revival is singing, rallies or conferences or to have the church full. 
We only experience true revival when a wave of repentance is upon us and a call for holiness cults and invade our homes. 
God commands those who have a score weight for holiness, that do not support the impurity in the house of the Lord. 
"And told him: Go through the city of Jerusalem and put a sign on the forehead of those who sigh and groan over all the abominations that are done in it" (Ezekiel 9:4). 
God is seeking men and women these days, of which the consuming zeal for holiness. We need to make God do not have to wait another generation, that is not our generation that is willing to mourning and paying a price for Holiness. 
If we want revival, we need to change our theme. 
Repentance must return to our affairs. [Read Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - Jonanthan Edwards]. 
The theme of repentance is not a very attractive theme, but I am convinced that genuine repentance will open a flood of moves of God. 
Entire families will be transformed. Repentance brings contrition and brokenness, and we know that God does not stand up to the broken and contrite heart. Repentance brings us back to the way we should not have left the path of holiness, purity, renunciation, humility, etc.. 
By nature we are biased and "we find ourselves"! 
Repent from What? Seek fellowship with one word and the Holy Spirit and he will tell: "If my people, who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, will hear from heaven forgive their sin and will heal their land "(2 Chronicles 7:14). 
It is interesting to look at this text from a different perspective. 
The Lord here is saying that no matter the situation, if any return for me, turn to me, in other words, if there is repentance, the situation can be reversed. Repentance breaks or opens a big door for the realization of God. The gospel of Luke 15 [The three parables], teaches us something very interesting. 
The first: It refers to a shepherd who had a hundred sheep and one of them astray and was lost. 
He left the others behind and was lost and when found it was filled with joy. He returned with her on his shoulders and said that there is joy in heaven over one sinner who repents. 
The interesting thing in this parable is that both know that Jesus is not talking about someone who was never sheep. 
He speaks of a sheep that was shepherd and sheep that strayed. It is obvious that this text also apply to people who meet Jesus the first time, but it is important to understand that Jesus was someone who spoke of repentance and sheep produced joy in heaven. 
Repentance causes joy in heaven. Jesus goes on to quote the story of a woman who had ten "DR" and lost one, was completely desperate, swept the floor of the house and seek diligently until she finds it, and when found, her friends and neighbors called and held, made party. You can see that here too we talk about repentance. Jesus mentions in verse 10, there is joy before the angels, He says that when there is repentance, He releases joy in heaven. 
If nothing else, the master continues the chapter with a parable about misappropriated more. 
The famous parable of the prodigal son with whom I once again surprised to find so new and wonderful things. Quotes Jesus as the youngest son left home and went to live your life and then "came to himself" and repented, and returned with the desire to be just a servant. 
One of the things that always intrigues me to people who say they repent and turn to ask for forgiveness is that they often say "forgive me", "but ... 
You also did this or that ... "In no place for repentance," but ... but, "or justifications. The prodigal son was really sorry, for he returned with the desire to be a servant. In response to that sincere repentance his father saw him from afar and ran to meet her son.The text says that the father threw himself to his son's neck and kissed him. What a wonderful scene! The prodigal son coming home and wanting only to be a servant. Had not even arrived and by far the father ran to meet him. 
Repentance moves the Father toward us to run and throw on our necks. 
When the father is present, then there's revival, celebration, joy and restoration. 
We saw that repentance moves the heavens and the heavens rejoice when there is repentance. You rejoice when there is genuine repentance, He runs towards us. You may ask why we pray in our services and we ask the Lord to come and many times we went the same way we entered. 
Perhaps the answer is because we are not living a life of repentance, brokenness and contrition. 
We need to ask the Holy Spirit to produce repentance in our lives. 
"What do you think? 
There was a man who had two children. Arriving at first said, 'Son, go work in the vineyard today.' "And he replied: 'I will not!" But then changed his mind and went. "The father came to the other son and said the same thing.He replied: 'Yes, sir! "But it was not. "What the two did the will of his father?" "The first," they replied. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth: The publicans and the prostitutes are going before you into the Kingdom of God. For John came to show them the path of righteousness, and you do not believe it, but the publicans and the harlots believed. And even after seeing this, you do not repent and believe in him. " Matthew 21: 28-32 
The Greek word for repentance is "metanoia" literally means "afterthought" or "change of mind." 
But its meaning goes beyond biblical, meaning a change of direction, change of direction, of attitude. This is the meaning of the word. The above gives us clear lessons on repentance. 
The first child: Confession of faith without repentance produces a merely external worship. At that time, the hearers of Jesus were the Pharisees, people who lived in an illusion thinking that they were very fair, not seeing themselves as sinners and disobedient. But despite being religious, as seen in this parable, there were nearer the kingdom than a prostitute. (Matthew 21:31) 
The second son, the confession of faith, accompanied by repentance leads a life of obedience to God's will. 
Note that the second son was ordered when the father said, "I do not want." This is by nature our response to God's orders. As we have seen, the word "repentance" means a redirection of human will. Thus, the second son, although at first did not want to do the will of his father, turned, shifted 
Also we need to ignore our sins, confess them, abandon them, making the necessary repairs and take appropriate steps to not repeat the error. 
We sin - and we - but the process of sanctification can not be stopped. (Zacchaeus - Luke 19:8-9) 

Claudio Mattos 

Fundamentos de uma Nova Vida
mensagem proferida no culto dominical 39 semana
para a semana de 25set a 01out 2011